Approach to Starting Your Own Business


September 25, 2023

Dr. Akmal AbuGazia

Approaches to Starting Your Own Business

A Risk-Free Approach to Starting Your Own Business

Perhaps you implemented my advice last article and now have a list of Approaches to Starting Your Own Business.



I know you want to establish your own business, and hopefully, you now know what that business will be.
Stepping out of your comfort zone might be perilous if you are used to a solid income from a regular job with a family or other financial commitments.
It doesn’t seem to matter how unhappy you are with your current work; the alternative scares the hell out of many of us.
I’ll give you a good tip as an approach to starting Your own business.
There’s a better method to leap from that cliff, and it involves your present employer.
If his business does not contradict your aspirations, your boss might be your key to a successful freelancing career.
If you want to establish a freelance copywriting firm, you may work out a deal with your present employer to give you 50% of your time for the first year after you leave.
This would serve as a springboard for you to locate additional clients while still meeting your monthly expenditures.
You’re probably wondering why your boss would agree to a contract for half of your time.
There are several reasons for this, all of which might end in a “win-win” situation for both of you.
If you’re on good terms with your boss, he probably doesn’t want to lose you. 
It takes time to train someone to fill your position and to teach them the company’s productivity methods.
Even if he decides to replace you, the process of gathering resumes, interviewing applicants, and hiring the ideal person might take months. 
During that period, you can be doing job tasks from your home office, possibly even training your successor, and ensuring a smoother transition for your boss by reducing disturbance to his firm.
If you don’t get along with your employer and the firm is shrinking, merging, or being bought out, you can save them the embarrassment and expense of terminating you and suggest your approach to starting your own business in cooperation with them.
By framing this as a contract for services that may be “stretched out” for a length of time if necessary, you are actually doing them a favor.
To be honest, which do you think an employer would prefer: letting you leave and paying severance and benefits or signing a contract for a certain amount of time? Signing and receiving concrete labor and services in exchange without the cost of dismissing you is a far better bargain for him.
The contract may even be assigned to a separate budget category, making it more cost-effective for the organization.
Another reason that your boss might go with you for a contract is your knowledge.
You are already acquainted with the firm, its customers, and its services.
You can supply the services they require, and you understand what has to be done.
This rationale has been employed by many creative people when approaching their bosses to negotiate their first contract and strike out on their own.
If you want an approach to starting your own business, your existing employment can provide you with the stability you need in the first year.
What better way to begin pursuing your dream?



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